August 2022 horoscope – monthly tarotscope for all star signs | Metro News

2022-07-31 11:40:54 By : Mr. Jimmy Huang


August is nearly here, and that means it’s a new opportunity to make things happen.

Need some guidance? Tarot and astrology are here to help.

Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ tarot horoscopes for August 2022.

Each star sign has three tarot cards drawn, with a breakdown of what this means for the time ahead.

For Leo, for example, things are about to get a bit wild.

While for Aquarius, an exciting work or money opportunity could be on the cards.

Read on for your full forecast.

Tarot cards for Aries for August: Nine of Swords, Temperance, Ace of Coins

Meaning: Fear leads to positive change

Worry leads to clarity which, in turn, leads to making a positive and lasting lifestyle change for the better. So, don’t worry that you’re worried, okay?

The Nine of Swords urges you to get it all off your chest. Express your fears, say them out loud. Most are just vapour but, what remains, can be addressed.

Temperance is a powerful card of inner shifts and coming to a new understanding and outlook as a result of changes around you. I think you’re just rediscovering your feet after a lot has happened.

The Ace of Coins reveals a new beginning will emerge from this, a shift you make yourself in either work, home, money, or health, impacting your daily life, for the better. Address your fears. It feels good.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries

Tarot cards for Taurus for August: Five of Coins, Nine of Wands, The Chariot

This card combo has got airport or travel delays written all over it, but whatever is lost or set back will arise again and be better than you imagined.

So don’t let setbacks in your vacation or summer fun plans get you down, it can all be sorted. Keep pushing on. Don’t give up.

The Five of Coins is a loss card, a disappointment or setback, maybe a delay. You will experience it and feel very grumpy!

Don’t get stuck here, though, because the Nine of Wands says that it all looks worse than it is, and you can overcome the issues with a bit of extra effort, it’s all worth it.

The Chariot has you on your way, forging ahead, getting to wherever you wanted to go, maybe with a detour or something unexpected happening but, still, it’s all an adventure, right?

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus

Tarot cards for Gemini for August: The Emperor, Ace of Cups, Eight of Coins

Meaning: Don’t give up

A relationship that matters to you a lot (lover, friend, family) will be tested and maybe the power dynamics in it need recalibrating but then it will rise again, better than ever, and rekindle. Don’t give up, okay?

The Emperor and Eight of Coins sees you both struggling with a power imbalance or struggle. People change, over time, and find the confines of long-term relationship expectations or roles confining. We often don’t let people change, or at least how we want them to be with us.

Give your person space and room, allow things to be different, accept they aren’t who they were when you met.

The Ace of Cups shows if you can give them this gift of breathing space and freedom they will return to you all the more ardent and committed.

A rekindling of the bond you originally shared, and maybe even a brighter version of it, will emerge. Something sustainable.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini

Tarot cards for Cancer for August: Page of Coins, Strength, King of Wands

If you want to be in control, lead, and set the agenda then you need to act like a leader and position yourself at the head of the pack. Fake it until you make it, Cancer, if you don’t feel like this right now.

The Page of Coins has you on a big learning curve – maybe in work, home or around money. You have lessons to absorb and experience to gain, and you’re eager to do it.

The Strength card shows that you will learn fastest by facing obstacles, issues, and problems in these areas of life, and resolve to fix them. Answer, vs just always asking, the questions. Propose solutions. Create ideas.

The King of Wands ask you to be bold, confident, pushy. Fake it if you’re not feeling it.

You need to take up more ownership here, and the only way is through practice. It will make perfect, eventually. This is an empowering phase of your life.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer

Tarot cards for Leo for August: Six of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Wands

Crazy times Bolshy, confident, dynamic cards this August, Leo, it must be because it’s your season, after all. Go for your wildest dreams and play your chanciest hands. You can land on your feet!

The Six of Wands gifts you with a Midas touch; everything you touch is turning to gold right now. You are succeeding and winning, and you’ve got to keep this roll going.

The Queen of Wands tells you to play bold, have faith in yourself, dare to ask, go higher than you think you can.

The Wheel of Fortune promises that August will be a wild ride. Whatever changes you instigate will gain momentum and create a ripple effect across your life.

Things will be surprising, fun, challenging, crazy, and you’ll love every minute I suspect.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo

Tarot cards for Virgo for August: The Star, Three of Cups, King of Swords

Make a wish, Virgo, because you get the beautiful, magical and enchanted Star card, it grants you a cosmic pass to achieve a heart’s desire this August – but what will it be?

The Three of Cups asks you to make it something fun, life-affirming, pleasure-seeking, and designed to help you enjoy your wonderful life. It is wonderful, after all, Virgo, because you are loved, liked, and admired. You are wealthy in your reputation and the people around you.

The King of Swords suggests you think carefully about what you want to bring in or attract which would enhance your enjoyment of your life.

Be clear, be mindful, be overt about your goal here and make a move to make it happen, and the Universe will do the rest.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo

Tarot cards for Libra for August: Justice, Nine of Coins, Six of Cups

Justice is your star sign’s card so this is an important month of personal development and matters close to your heart. An issue you’ve had is going to be resolved in the best possible way and this will vindicate and reward you. Excellent news!

The Nine of Coins asks you to build on this success and take what you’ve gained or earned and make more of it. This could just be the beginning, after all. There is future potential in what has now come to light, or been corrected, or changed.

Look at the potential opportunity created here and make a plan to optimise it.

The Six of Cups also hints that this happy turn of events could rekindle a past relationship, perhaps one which was damaged by the unjust situation.

Someone you felt great affection for, but now have distance from, could return. The wound will heal and the connection you once felt will re-emerge just as strong.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

Tarot cards for Scorpio for August: The Hierophant, Eight of Swords, Four of Wands

Meaning: Time to step up

You are bold, strong, confident, independent, and brave. Yet you doubt yourself… why?

The Eight of Swords presents an opportunity to overcome a limiting self-belief this August and take the lead, take the position you belong in.

The Four of Wands sees you deserving success. You’ve worked hard, proven yourself, achieved accolades. You are ready to step up, get to the next level, be rewarded further. Yet you have doubts.

The Hierophant suggests this self criticism is unwarranted and you’re just adjusting to the idea of being more, stepping up, taking on leadership potential.

Yet, Scorpio, you were made for this. It’s where you can excel. Don’t undermine your potential. This is a time to push out of your comfort zone and into the spotlight.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for August: Five of Swords, Nine of Cups, The World

August might start like a lion and go out like a lamb (a very happy lamb, anyway). Turmoil or stress is merely the beginning of a wonderful and rewarding shift of circumstances, so don’t worry if things start off a bit ropey.

The Five of Swords reveals you’ll start August feeling uncomfortable and you should heed this feeling, look at where it arises and see that as a signal for change.

The Nine of Cups asks you to pinpoint what you wish were different… and then be that difference. Make a change. Make a choice. Make a move. Do it.

The World is the tarot’s final card, a powerful indicator that a cycle is ending (hence stress) only so another can begin (good times ahead, fear not).

Don’t resist this process. Recognise what is ready to be released, and do it.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius

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Tarot cards for Capricorn for August: The Fool, The Empress, Two of Coins

Powerful cards of abundance, enthusiasm, new beginnings and love this month, Cap, so August looks set to be really fulfilling and rewarding – as long as you open up and welcome in new energy and people.

The Fool and the Two of Coins are like invitations to draw in what you wish to attract in life – across the board. Be open (and in fact proactive about seeking) new opportunities in love, work, home, money, friendship and personal development. Sign up, apply, join in, ask them, invite, introduce, and activate! More is more!

The Empress reveals your love and family life will blossom too, maybe as a result of you feeling so enthused and positive about life. Spend time with family, with loved ones, at home, just taking it back to basics and enjoying this wonderful life and the natural world.

Visit local beauty spots, take long walks, have a picnic, sit out in the sun. You are blessed with a good life, my friend.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn

Tarot cards for Aquarius for August: Queen of Coins, The Sun, Eight of Wands

Your career/financial world is set for a major upgrade this August, Aquarius! Get ready to network and hustle and you will be rewarded beyond what you think is possible.

The Sun is the tarot’s most positive card, also linked to summer, and blesses this month ahead with good fortune, success, prosperity, love, joy and reward. You just need to be bold and confident and lean in to what you want, fake it until you make it, and manifest your dream goals.

The Eight of Wands shows the pathway is via other people, networking, who you know vs what you know.

So link up, reunite, pop in, say hi, join up and check in. Shake the tree and see what falls out.

The Queen of Coins reveals there are riches and rewards ahead, via this pathway, so be confident and persistent. Someone has an opportunity for you, and you just need to find out who.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius

Tarot cards for Pisces for August: Ace of Swords, Knight of Wands, Ten of Wands

Meaning: Take a load off

The truth is that you might have bitten off more than you can chew right now, and you just need to acknowledge that and do a little dance and a weave to get out of a few things – just as gracefully as you got into them. All will be well.

The Ace of Swords asks you to be honest, totally honest. Something is bugging you and you need to get it off your chest and tackle it. The Ten of Wands suggests it’s about taking on too much, having too many burdens or demands placed upon you (probably of your own making, in a way). You are a nice person, you always offer help, you don’t like saying no.

The Knight of Wands brings you the energy and charm to simply glide your way back out of a few of these duties and demands (they don’t really belong to you anyway).

Lighten the load. Enjoy the summer. You are not Cinderella, stop acting like it.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

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